The feminist agenda of candidates

A project of Ecofeminita and Wingu, with technical support from Fundación para el Desarrollo Argentino (Fundar).
It is a digital platform of civic and social technology whose objective is to make visible gender inequality and electoral proposals on this issue, through the installation of debate and transparency. In this way, the positions of the candidates on the feminist agenda are made evident and public discussion on the actions needed to reverse this situation of inequality is guaranteed. The first edition of the Feminindex was produced in 2017, on the occasion of that year’s legislative elections.
This tool also promotes citizen participation and informed decision-making at the polls, as well as accountability of those running for public office, with the aim of achieving a more conscious vote through technology and information at the service of the community.
This index was constructed based on 15 questions distributed in 5 thematic axes: sexual and reproductive rights, political participation, LGBTTTIQ+ rights, feminist economy and male violence.

The number of monthly visits to the platform.
Feminindex was the first resource in Argentina to show the importance of these debates as a whole.
The data motivated people to demand more information and public statements about gender issues.
Feminindex was instrumental in uncovering ideas, trends and opinions that were not in the public sphere.
In 2017, the index showed that the majority of male and female candidates supported the Gender Parity agenda (a 50% quota) in Congress. This information prompted journalists to look for more concrete answers regarding the legalization of abortion.

The main data on the use of this tool:
Feminindex was the first resource in Argentina to show the importance of these debates as a whole.
The innovation of Feminindex lies in being able to measure each candidate’s commitment to the feminist agenda and to present the research results in a comprehensive manner.
The data motivated people to demand more information and public statements about gender issues. The issues began to appear in the news and in coverage of the 2017 legislative elections where they had previously been absent.
The platform has 3,000 visitors per month.
For more information about this project: